Friday, August 20, 2010

Frozen Frontier

Haunted Stones Quest
I've unfortunately not got the names for these two quests, I shall try get them this weekend and update this post with the correct quest names. Below is an image which shows the spawning locations for the stones quest.

Trophies Quest
As I've mentioned above, quest name is incorrect, will correct it asap. If you find more elites in this area that I don't have, please feel free to contact me and I'll confirm and update it to the image below. In the image below I have found only four elites, and there is bound to be more. I had really bad luck when it came to finding elites in this area...


  1. theres 1 inside teh cave its a dragon crown

  2. in nordheim isle its screech something the top cave

  3. Thanks, I'll definitely be looking into that :)
